BBG 1.0 – Week 4 Legs & Cardio

I’ve always enjoyed working out. I grew up playing sports and staying active and I’m extremely competitive by nature, even with myself. However, I’m the kind of person who definitely needs a schedule, and since last August I have struggled to find a good one. In short, I got a puppy last summer, so when it was time to go back to work in August, I focused all of my attention on working and raising a puppy, and not so much on working out. I would go for a run, or do some strength training in the gym every now and then, but nothing consistent enough.

Around March, I finally buckled down and focused primarily on running. I started by running 2 miles at a time and then some abs and body weight exercises. I told myself that if I could run 2 miles four times, then I could increase my distance by a half a mile, eventually reaching 5 miles. And I did! During the week I ran twice, and then again on Saturday and Sunday. My attitude changed, and I was extremely motivated to continue working out, however, I knew I needed to incorporate more strength training. But again, I needed a plan. After scouring the internet and Instagram for workout ideas, I came across Kayla Itsines and her Bikini Body Guide workouts and decided to give it a try.

So, for the past three weeks, I’ve been going through the first round of BBG. I love it so far. The circuit training is perfectly timed – I go for 7 minutes and then rest 30 sec-1 min before going another 7 minutes. Also, the gym at my apartment has everything I need.

IMG_0019.jpgToday’s workout:

2 mile run – 8’30” pace.


Week 4 Legs & Cardio

Stretch/Foam Roll

Listening to:

Spotify’s Cardio playlist



Leg workouts have always been easiest for me, but this was still pretty tough. It was a struggle to get those final squat jumps in!


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